This is a WebAssembly power Python shell,
where you can try the examples in the browser:
1. Type code in the input cell and press
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2. Or copy paste the code, and click on
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3. By the way, TAB-based autocompletion works!
# the standard way to import PySAT:
from pysat.formula import CNF
from pysat.solvers import Solver
# create a satisfiable CNF formula "(-x1 ∨ x2) ∧ (-x1 ∨ -x2)":
cnf = CNF(from_clauses=[[-1, 2], [-1, -2]])
# create a SAT solver for this formula:
with Solver(bootstrap_with=cnf) as solver:
# 1.1 call the solver for this formula:
print('formula is', f'{"s" if solver.solve() else "uns"}atisfiable')
# 1.2 the formula is satisfiable and so has a model:
print('and the model is:', solver.get_model())
# 2.1 apply the MiniSat-like assumption interface:
print('formula is',
f'{"s" if solver.solve(assumptions=[1, 2]) else "uns"}atisfiable',
'assuming x1 and x2')
# 2.2 the formula is unsatisfiable,
# i.e. an unsatisfiable core can be extracted:
print('and the unsatisfiable core is:', solver.get_core())